A SERIAL car thief from Wyndham Vale has been nabbed by police after allegedly committing 29 offences in just over a month.
The 24-year-old man was arrested on 6 June by the Wyndham Crime Impact Team over a number of thefts from motor vehicle offences across Wyndham in May and June this year.
As revealed by Star earlier this year, the team was set up to target thefts of and from motor vehicles.
The man was charged with 29 offences including theft from motor vehicle, obtaining property by deception, handling stolen goods and driving whilst disqualified.
He was bailed to appear at Werribee Magistrates’ Court to appear on the 4 September 2013.
Sergeant Ben Jarman from the Crime Impact Team said they were working hard to reduce theft from motor vehicle and theft of motor vehicle crimes.
He urged motorists to take preventative measures to help avoid opportunistic thieves from stealing vehicles or taking personal items from cars.
“This includes parking off street, possibly in a garage, or if you have to park on the street, park in well light areas,” he said.
“Don’t leave your car unlocked and make sure the windows are completely closed and remove all valuables from sight.”
Anyone with information about car theft crimes should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.