Adopted son finally meets his mother

John Good finally found his mother. 101645 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


A lifelong search for his true identity, the feeling of belonging and meeting the family he never knew finally came true for Werribee South resident John Wood.
Earlier this month Star reported the ‘Pain of a lost life’ felt by Mr Wood who was victim of forced adoption which took place in Australia between 1930 and 1982.
Almost 58 years ago Mr Wood was forcibly taken from his mother at just one day old and adopted out to a family of strangers.
After a lifetime apart Mr Wood finally found his mother.
Mr Wood said it was very overwhelming for both him and his mum who is now in her 80s.
“It’s not something you can explain,” he said.
Mr Wood said he finally felt like he belonged.
“That’s what most of adoptees will be struggling with, although they have adoptive parents there’s still always the feeling of not belonging or not being whole,” he said.
Mr Wood has been on a whirlwind journey in search of his family.
From websites, to government documents and a lucky punt out of a phone book Mr Wood slowly started to track down his relatives.
In 1980 Mr Wood said he was told by the Department of Human Services that there were no records of any living relatives in Australia.
“Now in 2013 I’ve found 350 of my relatives who have been there the whole time,” he said.
“The next step from here is just enjoying it and trying to make sure that other people don’t have to go through the rubbish that I did.”
His advice to others in the same situation: “Keep trying keep going, keep pushing, keep trying every direction you can get, don’t get disheartened.”

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