Dental health for pooches

Vet nurse Kate helps check the teeth of Tilly the Kelpy cross 102491 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


Bad breath is not attractive, especially coming from the one thing you want to cuddle most – your pet.
Dental hygiene is just as important for pets as it is for pet owners.
Fear of the dentist is no excuse this month as Greencross Vets are offering free dental checks for pets.
According to Greencross Vets, less than five per cent of Australian pet owners have taken their pet for a much needed dental check-up.
Greencross Vets Point Cook Vet Director, Dr Zoe Sullivan, said just like people, pets need to have regular check-ups on their teeth.
Dr Sullivan said the check-ups on their teeth was important to help prevent dental diseases but also identify symptoms of much more serious problems such as viruses, tumours and even diabetes.
“A common myth is that every pet will have smelly breath which is wrong,” Dr Sullivan said.
“If your pet’s breath is ‘a bit on the nose’ it is usually an indication of a dental problem,” she said.
Bad breath is a major symptom of dental disease in pets.
In addition to bad breath, signs of dental disease can include discoloured teeth, loose teeth, excessive drooling, blood stained inflamed gums, chattering teeth and difficulty chewing food.
“After we treat a pet for dental disease the majority of pet owners notice their pets become a lot more active and happy,” Dr Sullivan said.
Pet owners are encouraged to brush their pets’ teeth once a day to promote healthy teeth and gums for their four legged friends.
For more information visit or call 1300 473 369.

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