Stomp out child abuse

Geanette Iskander and her daughter Britney. 108336 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


THE community is being urged to rally together and stomp out child abuse once and for all.
Child Wise, an Australian protection charity to prevent child abuse, will host The Stomp Fun Run this November to raise awareness and money to put a ‘stomp’ against child abuse.
A Hoppers Crossing family will put their best foot forward at the event to help the cause.
Geanette Iskander is the Business Coordinator and Advocate for Child Wise and is passionate about helping put a stomp against child abuse.
This year she will set up her business, Hani’s Mirror Creations, at the fun run and donate all her profits to the charity.
“I’ve been very fortunate that we’ve never been touched by abuse but unfortunately there are a lot of children out there who have been affected,” Ms Iskander said.
“I think it’s a great cause that a lot of people don’t like to talk about unfortunately,” she said.
“It is in the community and it is something that people need to be discussing and people should be aware.
“Let’s just stomp it out of the community.”
Ms Iskander said it was important for children to know that they can speak out.
She said the community should be shouting out against child abuse and not keeping quiet.
“I’m fortunate that I can have a voice for these children,” Ms Iskander said.
Ms Iskander’s 14 year old daughter Britney has also registered to take part in the fun run.
The event will be held on Sunday 10 November at Albert Park with the aim of raising $100,000.
The day is set to be jam-packed with entertainment, food and craft stalls and circus performers as well as the 5/10km walk or run around the Lake.
For more information or to donate visit
For help and support for child abuse call the national help line on 1800 991 099.

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