STUDENTS from Werribee Primary school are set to read the Pledge of Remembrance this Remembrance Day as part of the Read2Remember campaign.
Grade one and two teacher at Werribee Primary School Jennifer Ilmer said it was important for the students to understand the significance of Remembrance Day.
“We are hoping to reinforce the significance of Remembrance Day and its importance to Australian culture,” Ms Ilmer said.
“It’s really important for students so they understand some of the history of Australia,” she said.
The students will be joining up to half a million other Australian school children registered for the reading event.
Students will also read the purpose written book The Quest for Courage, which highlights resilience and courage.
Ms Ilmer said the book’s message of resilience and courage would help teach students how to stand up for themselves in a good way and how to cooperate and look after each other.
She said the book also tied in well with the schools social skills program.
“I think the students will be really interested in the story and they will be able to relate a lot of it to their own life,” Ms Ilmer said.
Leading up to Remembrance Day the students will also learn more about the significance of the day and the history in dedicated lessons.
Last year the event received a ‘Wild World Reading Record’ with more than 350,000 students participating in a reading event at the same time.
The campaign aims to improve literacy skills and wellbeing among children.
The Pledge of Remembrance will be read by students on Remembrance Day 11 November 2013.