Footy club is kicking goals

Sanctuary Lakes Football Club President Danny Galea with Telstra General Area Manager Duane Dalton and young footy players from left, Mason, Campbell, Mitchell and Julian. 108585 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


SANCTUARY LAKES Football Club is kicking big goals on and off the footy oval.
The club scored a $1200 grant from Telstra’s Kids Fund this month to help further develop the talents of the children by purchasing football and first aid equipment.
The club is one of 625 community non-profit organisations across Australia to share in $750,000 of Telstra’s Kids Fund grants which are available through the Telstra Foundation.
Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager for Geelong and the Surf Coast, Duane Dalton, said the grants help boost the children’s connection to their local community.
“We are proud to be able to help local groups such as Sanctuary Lakes Football Club support the skills, talents and development of children,” Mr Dalton said.
“The funds make a positive and lasting difference to children’s futures and make a genuine difference to local organisations supporting children.”
Grant recipients are nominated by Telstra employees whose children or immediate family members are actively involved in not-for-profit community organisations.
“It helps connect our staff to the communities where they live and work, and make a difference to those communities,” Mr Dalton said.
“We are proud to be connected with the Sanctuary Lakes Football Club and continue to look for opportunities to grow our local engagement,” he said.
Telstra Foundation Chair Geoff Booth said the grant would make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of children.
“Over the past 11 years, thousands of groups across Australia have benefited from Telstra’s Kids Fund grants, including schools, art and culture groups, sport and recreational clubs, disability services and environmental organisations,” Mr Booth said.

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