Fairclough crowned Mayor

Bob Fairclough is Wyndham's newest Mayor. 92062 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI


BOB Fairclough has been named Wyndham’s Mayor after defeating colleague Marie Brittan at this week’s election.
Star revealed earlier this week that Cr Fairclough had firmed as the favourite to become the next Mayor of Wyndham after speaking to several of his council colleagues.
Cr Fairclough confirmed to Star last month that he was in the race for Mayor, along with councillors John Gibbons and Glenn Goodfellow, but in the end, only Marie Brittan challenged him for the position.
There had been a clear shift of support towards the former Deputy Mayor earlier this week.
Cr Fairclough former Mayor Heather Marcus last night.
“It’s an honour and a privilege to serve the council at such an important time,” Mayor Fairclough said.
Last month he told Star he thought he would be an inclusive Mayor.
“I would be encouraging much more teamwork between the residents, councillors and the council staff,” Cr Fairclough said.
“We need a lot more community engagement and additional community consultation.
“I’ve been a fairly longstanding councillor and I think I’m ready to step up to the next level and improve our engagement with the community.”
Cr Fairclough arrived in Wyndham from New Zealand in 1984 and is currently an adjunct Professor in the Department of Innovation and Sustainability at Victoria University.
The councillors also voted to abolish the position of Deputy Mayor for the next mayoral term.

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