Ruben’s run for animals

Point Cook resident Ben Rubens organised the ‘Run For Life’ to raise awareness of live animal exports. 72835  Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTTPoint Cook resident Ben Rubens organised the ‘Run For Life’ to raise awareness of live animal exports. 72835 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

By Alesha Capone
WHEN Ben Rubens saw footage of Australian cattle being treated cruelly in overseas abattoirs, he was upset and disturbed by what he witnessed.
The Point Cook resident said a report on the ABC current affairs show Four Corners – which led to a public outcry and the Federal Government temporarily suspending the live cattle trade to Indonesia – appalled him.
“From a personal perspective, when I saw the Four Corners footage it absolutely ripped me to pieces,” Mr Rubens.
Mr Rubens, who was already a member of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), said the footage inspired him to join its ‘Move Forward’ campaign.
The WSPA is aiming to shift the Labor Party’s policy on live animal exports and advocate for expanding the frozen and chilled meat trade, before a Federal Government vote on the matter next month.
Mr Rubens even organised an event called ‘Run For Life’ to raise awareness of live animal exports, which took place in Melbourne across the weekend and which more than 100 people were expected to attend.
“I want people to be aware of what’s going on and that we can make a difference,” Mr Rubens said.
“It’s all about people who love animals. I’ve got two lovely cats and I believe the way you treat animals reflects the way you treat people.
“They don’t have a voice and we have to have a voice for them.”
Mr Rubens said he was not an extremist in any way and that he ate meat, but the WSPA just wanted to stop the cruel treatment of Australian animals.
He said many people thought ceasing live exports would impact on Australian jobs and farmers, but this would not necessarily be the case.
He said the Meat Workers Union was calling for a phase-out of live exports by 2016 to protect rural and regional processing jobs, while in 2010, Australia’s chilled meat trade to the Middle East was worth $110 million more than live sheep exports trade to the region.
Mr Rubens said almost 700 people within the Lalor electorate have signed up at the WSPA’s website in support of the campaign.

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