WYNDHAM residents have been urged to play it safe this holiday season in a bid to avoid another fatality on the municipality’s roads.
Wyndham Mayor Kim McAliney, Police Inspector Bill Weatherly and Chairperson of the RoadSafe Westgate Community Road Safety Council, Jim Giddings, have all called on drivers to take care.
This year 11 people have died on Wyndham’s roads, a figure that Inspector Bill Weatherly said has taken its toll on the community.
“It has been a hard year for everyone involved including the police,” Inspector Weatherly told Star.
“A lot of those accidents could have been avoided.”
Cr Kim McAliney said people needed to think twice before they get behind the wheel.
“I encourage residents to keep safe by adhering to the road rules, taking rest stops when driving long distances and ensuring they are under the blood alcohol limit if driving, even when driving in the morning after a big night,” Cr McAliney said.
“Life as we all know, is very precious and we only get one opportunity at it.”
Mr Giddings said if residents were speeding to the holiday destination they were taking their lives in their hands.
“It has been demonstrated time after time that speed is a contributing factor in most road crashes,” Mr Giddings said.
“Therefore stay within the speed limit and drive to suit the conditions you face.
“If you plan to have a drink then plan not to drive.”