Weapons war

POLICE have warned Wyndham residents against bearing illegal weapons, after Star obtained exclusive statistics which showed almost 170 arms offences were recorded in the area across 12 months.
Victoria Police figures, supplied to Star, revealed there were 169 weapons and explosives-related charges recorded in Wyndham during the latest financial year.
This averaged out to a weapons charge being laid almost every two days in Wyndham, across the 12 months.
More than 50 of those charges were laid against offenders for possessing a prohibited weapon without exemption or approval.
Prohibited weapons within Victoria include articles which conceal a weapon, blow guns, cat o’nine tails with knotted lashes, crossbows, flick knives, imitation firearms, knuckle dusters, shark darts, studded gloves, swords and throwing stars.
People can only possess these weapons if they gain permission from the Chief Commissioner or the Governor of Victoria.
Police laid another 40 charges for possessing controlled weapons, which can include batons, bayonets, cattle prods and spear guns.
Another 23 charges of “possessing a dangerous article in public place” were issued.
Nine charges of possessing an unregistered general category handgun, eight for possessing ammunition without a licence and five for a prohibited person possessing a firearm were also laid in the municipality.
Wyndham Police Inspector Cindy Millen said police could seize weapons in a number of ways including through warrants, searches of people on the street and during vehicle intercepts.
Insp Millen said there were enormous consequences associated with using a weapon, and Wyndham police would continue to target people who did so, in a bid to remove weapons from the streets.

“Carrying a weapon is not only illegal, it’s dangerous,” Insp Millen said.

She said people carrying illegal weapons risked a $1000 on-the-spot fine.

See www.police.vic.gov.au for more information regarding prohibited weapons.

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