Doubts over ferry plan

DOUBTS have been cast over State Government plans to investigate the possibility of introducing a ferry network to rival the Westgate Bridge.
Minister for Planning Matthew Guy announced on Saturday that a $300,000 study would be launched to examine the viability of water transport from Werribee South to the Melbourne CBD.
The plan for a ferry to be used as an alternative to the Westgate Bridge has been floated in the past however, with previous studies sinking the idea.
As reported by Star in 2011, a Department of Transport study said that there was not enough demand from residents to launch the idea.
“Research shows that there is limited demand for ferry services on the Bay, in particular from what may be viewed as the most likely ports — Geelong, Portarlington and Werribee,” the report said.
“The potential travel time of 76 minutes from Werribee South to the CBD is unlikely to be comparable to the same route via public transport which can achieve travel time of around 35 minutes.”
Member for Tarneit, Tim Pallas, said he hoped the announcement was not being used to distract from current transport issues.
“My view is I welcome the government looking into this but I hope it is not a cruel hoax on the people of Werribee,” Mr Pallas told Star.
“Unless things have changed dramatically since those previous studies were done, and unless the State Government knows something that those previous studies don’t, then it really is just a thought bubble or a distraction.”

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