Councillors set to run again

WYNDHAM residents hoping to run for a position on their local council later this year may have a tough time with most current councillors confirming that they hope to keep their jobs.
Star contacted each councillor to ask them if they would be running for council again in November’s elections and most were enthusiastic about taking on another term.
Wyndham’s longest serving councillor, Shane Bourke, said he was excited about continuing his 16 years on the council.
“Yes I am definitely running again,” Cr Bourke told Star.
“I find it more invigorating and more challenging than when I first started way back in 1988.”
Cr Bourke said the biggest challenge for the council in the future was trying to get funding out of the State and Federal governments.
“We ask nicely and occasionally we rant and rave but we don’t seem to get anywhere,” he said.
“They just can’t keep putting 10 or 12,000 people in an area and keep thinking that they (the residents) can work it out by themselves.”
Mayor Kim McAliney also confirmed that she will be running for re-election along with councillors Cynthia Manson and Bob Fairclough.
Councillor Fairclough said along with vital infrastructure funding, he wanted to see more cinemas built in growing suburbs.
Deputy Mayor Glenn Goodfellow said while he was planning on serving another term, he was not ruling out stepping aside to spend more time with his family.
Councillors John Menegazzo and Adele De Crescenzo said they had not made up their minds yet while Cr Mahfoud could not be contacted.
There will be two new positions on the council available at the next election following changes made to the municipality this year.

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