Leisure plans still on cards

WYNDHAM Council has vowed to plough ahead with plans to redevelop the Wyndham Leisure and Events Centre despite missing out on $15 million of federal funding.
Last month it was revealed that the redevelopment had been overlooked for $15 million of funding as part of the Regional Development Australia Funding.
At last week’s council meeting it was unanimously decided that the council would proceed with the project.
Councillor Heather Marcus said while the $61 million project had received some funding, it was not enough.
“I guess we have to be grateful for the State Government for the $2.6 million given to council for the aquatic centre but I have to say, and I’m quite happy to say it, that is truly so very small really pitiful compared to the extent of the project that we’re hoping to build for our residents of this City,” Cr Marcus said.
“I know council is extremely disappointed with the governments that we are being overlooked on so many occasions when asking for much needed funds.”
Cr Marcus said the costs of the project were now likely to increase.
“If the State Government wants the growth in this City then they need to supply the infrastructure,” she said.
“Delays to any projects have a high cost. These associated costs will make the project even more costly.”
Cr Bob Fairclough said some preliminary work would need to begin including preparing the drainage to the buildings and surrounding site and providing additional car parking on the South side of the building.
“The type of works we will be looking at will be required come what may,” Cr Fairclough said.

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