Driving is not a game

Mayor Kim McAliney with the new billboard that it is hoped will get young drivers to slow down. 83994 Picture: TBAMayor Kim McAliney with the new billboard that it is hoped will get young drivers to slow down. 83994 Picture: TBA

YOUNG drivers in Wyndham are being sent a strong message to play it safe on the roads.
Wyndham Council has installed a billboard at the intersection of Heaths and Derrimut Roads with the message that driving is not a game.
The billboard features a cartoon by Mark Knight and aims to make young motorists think about how they are driving, including speeding and hoon behaviour.
Wyndham Mayor Kim McAliney said thousands of motorists would see the billboard each day.
“We need to get the message out to all drivers that driving is not a game, there are real consequences to errors in judgement and practice,” Cr McAliney said.
“These billboards will complement the work being done by Victoria Police and groups such as the Westgate Road Safe Committee to make our roads safer for all motorists.
“It will also provide a talking point for families and groups of friends who see the billboard and hopefully spark conversations about the importance of safe driver behaviour.”
Cr McAliney said the council would investigate the possibility of installing further billboards at other locations throughout the municipality in the future.
For more information on safe driving visit www.wyndham.vic.gov.au.

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