An unwavering passion for Wyndham

John Portogello introduced the coffee shop to Wyndham almost 60 years ago. 84080 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIJohn Portogello introduced the coffee shop to Wyndham almost 60 years ago. 84080 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

WHEN John Portogello established Werribee’s first espresso bar in 1953, a coffee cost just 25 cents.
Mr Portogello arrived in Australia from Italy in in 1931 when he was just three-years-old.
His father Vito came in 1926 and it took him three years to save up enough money to bring John and the rest of the family to join him in Australia.
“When he came to Australia it was a strange country. He had no friends, he couldn’t speak a word of English and he had no money,” Mr Portogello said.
“He made money by cutting timber for railway sleepers in Nagambie.
“Our first home had no hot water or electricity and we had to use kerosene lamps. We lived like that for 20 years but we didn’t complain because that was life.”
Mr Portogello’s espresso bar, located on Watton St in what is now a jewellery shop, was known as Don Giovanni’s.
The well-known Werribee identity has seen the Shire of Werribee transformed into the Wyndham people know today.
“Back then people would only pass through Werribee on their way to and from Geelong and they would stop into my shop to get a coffee,” he said.
“People that had never tasted coffee would come in and then love it so much that they would come in every day.”
Despite all the changes Mr Portogello has witnessed in Wyndham, he said he still loved the place he has called home for almost 80 years.
“I love this place. Very much so,” he said.
“I wouldn’t live anywhere else. It’s the most beautiful town.
“I’m living in the best country that God ever created.”

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