Green light for plaza redevelopment

WYNDHAM City Council has approved plans to change the controversial entry into the new Werribee Plaza development.
Amended changes approved by the council in the ongoing redevelopment include a revised entrance from Barber Dve, a relocation of the bus interchange and a new Heaths Rd facade.
The original proposal realigned the access and included a roundabout at the intersections of Barber Dve and McKenzie Crescent to provide entry to the plaza.
Public opposition to this part of the proposal raised significant concerns about the impact of local residential streets.
Cr Shane Bourke said residents expressed contention about the proposed site access on Barber Dve.
Access to the plaza will now be via a slightly modified version of the existing signalised intersection, directly into the multi-level car parking across Heaths Rd.
“(It’s) important we have expansion but at the same time not in the case of the impact of the residents,” Cr Bourke said.

“(We) ended up with a win-win situation for everybody,” he said.

Cr Marcel Mahfoud reminded the council of the economic benefits of the long-awaited project for Wyndham.

“(We) always talk about jobs, economic value, keeping jobs in the city and money not leaving the city, jobs, jobs, jobs it’s the most fundamental part of this plan. As the city grows our retail needs to grow.”

Cr Cynthia Manson was pleased concerns about access to the bus interchange that made it difficult to go from one to another was rectified.

Werribee Plaza was contacted for comment but did not get back to Star before deadline.

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