Surf girls a determined lot

MID North Coast Girls Surfriders Winter Championships were held in near-perfect conditions on Sunday 14 July at Rainbow Beach Bonny Hills.

A total of 44 eager surfers off all ages and abilities mustered at the beach at 7am where Mother Nature was at her best, the sun shining bright with a light NW wind making 2-3ft offshore conditions.
Our surfer girls’ courage, determination and dedication to the sport of surfing ensured some outstanding surfing manoeuvres with all eight divisions hotly contested.
Our Winter Champions for 2013 are:
Open Longboard: Kelly (Slats) Fyfe.
Intermediate Longboard: Caryn Hampson.
Open Mini Mal: Chelsea Green.
Intermediate Mini Mal: Grace Monaghan.
Open Shortboard: Jade Gaul.
Intermediate Shortboard: Mahala Hopwood.
Beginner Girls No Caddy: Lucy Green.
Beginner Girls Caddy: Abbey Cross
Congratulations to all our winter champions who received a Mid North Coast Girls Surfriders poncho, an ideal trophy to keep them warm after a cool winter surf session.

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