Treasuring history

PASSING on family treasures through the generations can be a challenging task, with plenty of care needed to ensure their survival.

As part of its winter Tuesday Talks, Port Macquarie Historical Society volunteer curators Debbie Sommers and Anne Oud will next week talk about caring for family treasures and how to ensure their survival from generation to generation.
The session will be held next Tuesday at 10.30am at the Port Macquarie Historical Museum at 22 Clarence Street.
Ms Sommers and Ms Oud have completed internships at the Powerhouse Museum in collection care and are responsible for the ongoing care and preservation of many family treasures and significant items in the Port Macquarie Historical Society collection.
“August is Australian Family History Month, so we thought we would present a talk that addresses heritage from a family perspective,” Ms Sommers said.
“Many people record their family histories but overlook the importance of recording the stories of their special family treasures and keepsakes.
“We will talk about the importance of recording those stories and how to care for those special family items with some practical advice and examples.”
Dead but not Buried – Caring for Family Treasures is a free event. Bookings are not necessary.
For more information, contact the Port Macquarie Historical Society on 6583 1108.

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