The power of giving

THERE are a 124 days until Christmas, so it’s not long until its at the forefront of most people’s minds.

But before the hectic festive season kicks in, there’s an opportunity to think of those less fortunate.
Through the power of a simple gift, you can open up a whole new life for children caught in the midst of war, famine, natural disaster and extreme poverty – and show them they have not been forgotten this Christmas.
Last year a record 2040 boxes of gifts were sent from Port Macquarie, from churches, schools, council, businesses and service groups to those less fortunate.
Operation Christmas Child is a worldwide project of Samaritans’ Purse which brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations.
In this program shoe boxes are filled by individuals from wealthy nations for children in developing nations.
Six types of items are placed in the boxes. They are:

  • Something to wear.
  • Something for school.
  • Something for personal hygiene.
  • Something to love.
  • Something to play with.
  • Something special.

Each wealthy nation is allotted countries their boxes will go to.
Boxes from Australia go to Vietnam, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Samoa.
The aid is given without regard to race, creed, gender, religion or ethnicity of the beneficiaries.
If you would like to participate by filling a box, please contact Susan West on 6584 5566 or 0414 338 541.
You can also inquire at the Anglican Church office in Hay Street, Port Macquarie.
Boxes will be collected at the Baptist Church on 20 and 21 September.

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