Tourism operators on the Mid-North Coast are counting income losses of more than 50 per cent from the recent deluge, says Mid-North Coast Tourism Executive Officer Belinda Novicky. “This equates to direct losses over the five-day period (including cancellations and cancellations of forward bookings during that time) to just over $14 million. When we look at those losses in the context of loss to the MNC economy, the figure is a staggering $35 million.” In the wake of last week’s heavy rain and floods, Ms Novicky conducted a survey among Mid-North Coast tourism operators to gather information to be presented to the NSW Government for “Flood Relief”-funded campaigns. More than 153 operators responded to the MNC Tourism survey — 61 per cent accommodation providers, 18 per cent tourism attractions and 15 per cent tour/transport and other tourism related services. “With the July school holidays only a couple of weeks away, we hope to minimise the impact of booked and potential visitors abandoning their plans, to go elsewhere because of the rains,” Ms Novicky said. Mid-North Coast Tourism will work closely with Tourism NSW to promote our area predominantly to families, mid-life couples and older couples travelling by car, with a flood relief campaign targeted at the Sydney market and key regional NSW markets.