Walk on water at Shelly

Residents and visitors got to take in a rare view of Shelly Beach on the weekend — from the middle of the lagoon.
Wild weather, coupled with tidal changes, has seen the build-up of a sandbank in the centre of the lagoon, running out to distant rocks in the ocean about 70 metres offshore.
Council’s Director of Development and Environment Matt Rogers said the recent weather patterns have significantly changed the sand volume at a number of local beaches.
“The recent storms and large swells have had an impact on sand movement along the coast. While many beaches have had sand washed away, the natural lagoon at Shelly Beach has trapped the sand, creating a unique sand bar within the lagoon,” he said.
“This is just part of the dynamic nature of the coastal environment. Council will monitor the lagoon and the safety impacts of the sand bar but there aren’t plans to remove the sand.”

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