Excuse me Leslie but …

What planet is Leslie Williams on? Just last week Leslie Williams declared in a speech in State Parliament, that the $96 million granted by the Federal Govt for the expansion of the Port Macquarie Base Hospital was due to herself and the Liberal/Nationals!! Many people worked for years to secure that funding, especially our Federal Member for Lyne RobOakeshott, and former Port Macquarie MP Peter Besseling. The funding for the 4th and 5th pods at the Base Hospital (due to begin construction next year) is due to the consistent hardwork of these ‘Independent’ MPs. Leslie Williams cannot lay claim to any credit in this regard.
The State’s contribution was $14 million (thanks to Peter Besseling); to add to the Federal $96 million (thanks to Rob Oakeshott), giving the total of $110 million. The hospital funding was a ‘done deal’ prior to the State Election.
Leslie Williams has achieved much in her first 100 days, giving support to the Govt to ‘derail’ Public Sector workers, and a Govt that that shows total disregard for contractual agreements in relation to Solar Energy Rebates. She has also been busy having her photo taken at every opportunity, and socialising and playing host to her bosses, who apparently forgot the ‘cheque book’ that Leslie stated during her election campaign would be more readily available if she was elected.
Clyte May
Port Macquarie

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