Foreshore given back to people

The dedication of Westport Park in Port Macquarie of ‘public purpose for recreation’ has now been gazetted.
Westport Park has now been given the level of protection by dedication under the Crown Lands Act 1989.
“This is fantastic news for the people of Port Macquarie and shows what can be achieved when you have a committed community and a Government that listens to the people,” Member for Port Macquarie, Leslie Williams said.
The dedication of ‘public purpose for recreation’ was formalised in the Government Gazette on Friday and ensured that Port Macquarie-Hastings Council will remain as trustee of the reserve.
“Furthermore, I can also announce that a new plan of management will be prepared for Westport Park that will reflect the key objectives of the community and this Government.
“The draft plan of management will be publicly exhibited for comment and feedback after it has been considered and endorsed by a newly-constituted Foreshore Lands Advisory Group (FLAG),” Mrs Williams said.
Ensuring input on behalf of the whole community, the newly-constituted FLAG will consist of one representative from Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce, Port Macquarie Tourism Association, Port Macquarie-Hastings Foreshore Protection Association and the Crown Lands Division of Primary Industries.
“As the new Chair, I will also appoint two additional community representatives to ensure that the Port Macquarie community is adequately represented on the new FLAG.
“When the consultation is completed and the plan is adjusted to reflect community feedback, the plan can be formerly adopted and it will become the statutory framework that will bind the future management and operations of Westport Park.”
Port Macquarie Hastings Foreshore Protection Association president Jaci Cartwright said the dedication made it more difficult to excise part of the land for commercial use.
“The community fought to protect 2.7 hectares, known as the expression of interest site, from a controversial development plan that included a commercial boat stack,” she said.
“People power was instrumental in stopping the development plan.
“Port Macquarie Hastings Foreshore Protection Association was formed primarily to address the proposed development.
“More than 16,000 people signed a petition and people rallied in force on Westport Park.”
The association president Jaci Cartwright thanked the association’s committee members and the community for strong support over the past six years.
“The association will not step away from protecting the foreshore into the future,” she said.
“We want to ensure the rest of the foreshore is similarly treated with respect for the community and not commercialism.
The group was late last week assured a voice on Foreshore Lands Advisory Group (FLAG).
“A final plan of management for Crown waterfront land has yet to be released,” Ms Cartwright said.

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