Gateway opens for real education reform: Oakeshott

What has been dubbed the largest ever one-off regional education fund opened last week.
The $500 million regional round of the Education Investment Fund was negotiated by independent MPs Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor following the 2010 election. It is accepting applications from last week. Twenty million dollars of this fund has already been specifically allocated to a multi-partner university presence for the Mid-North Coast and discussions and planning are now being finalised for this particular allocation.
Independent Member for Lyne Rob Oakeshott said this is the largest one-off commitment to regional education ever shown by any government in the history of the Commonwealth.
“It is welcome and demonstrates a real commitment in the 43rd Parliament to lift access and participation rates in regional education,” he said.
“As well, this announcement complements current legislation before the federal parliament of a $265 million Youth Allowance package, also negotiated by Mr Windsor and myself directly with the Prime Minister.
“This package lifts funding support for those in regional Australia who have been left behind in education for too long.
“At the tax forum, I spoke of education and innovation being the two key public policy areas for our future. These announcements fit with that strategy.
A $150,000 federal grant for a tertiary education strategy for the Mid-North Coast, the establishment of a Hastings and a Manning Education and Skills Forum, and the appointment of an Education, Skills and Jobs Coordinator for the region had all made a significant impact on the tertiary education fortunes of Mid-North Coast students, Mr Oakeshott said.
The fund is open to universities, TAFEs and vocational education and training providers.

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