Survey a joke

We have just received PMHC’s “Have Your Say – A MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY”, regarding increasing rates.
So we logged on to
We were absolutely disgusted, but not really surprised, at the way the survey was put together. Puleeze give the ratepayers some credit for intelligence enough to see through this ploy to get more money out of them.
We were under the mistaken impression that “listening” meant that you were interested in what your ratepayers had to say. But no, the “options” given in the survey were those of the Council – we will agree to this, or this, or else. Where is the section asking for our comments?
Again, you people are trying to dictate to your ratepayers, just as the sacked Council did. They did not listen!
Instead we are lumbered with a building that seats only 650 people. And now the thousands of ratepayers who objected and were not listened to are expected to continue to pay.
By the way, we have some questions for the Council regarding relocation of the “Aquatic Centre”, instead of repairing and upgrading it. Currently, it is on Council-owned land. If the Council sells the site they stand to realise quite a lot of money from it. They have given three options (yes, three of their options) to re-locate the Aquatic Centre, one of them being Stuart Park. We are under the impression that Stuart Park was left to the people of Port Macquarie, not to the Council, as sporting grounds. The park is surrounded by private homes. The bird life there is prolific (33 species identified from mid-2007 to date).
Can Council sell or lease a big chunk of Stuart Park, or any other park, to a private company for a new massive Aquatic Centre? Yes, we probably need a better Aquatic Centre. But show us the location options before it’s a “done deal”. Takes us back to pre-Glasshouse days – here we go again.
If, and that’s an if, Council were to sell the current Aquatic Centre site, and sell or lease part of Stuart Park, or any other park, then they would be extraordinarily greedy by wanting to raise the rates as well.
Council has told some of the residents that there will be “community consultation”.
Oh yeah?
Name withheld

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