Volunteers needed for popular fest

The Saltwater Freshwater Arts Alliance is calling for volunteers to work on the 2012 Saltwater Freshwater Festival to be held in Taree on Australia Day, January 26.
The Saltwater Freshwater Festival organising team need around 100 volunteers to assist during the 2012 Festival and in the week leading up to and after the Festival.
Volunteers are the heart and soul of our Festival and in many ways, the Festival belongs to the fun loving community-minded individuals who decide to get involved.
Volunteers also get the opportunity to learn new skills, broaden their experience base, add to their resume, feel good about their contribution and of course, meet new friends and have a great time work together towards a positive community event.
Volunteers do everything that needs to be done to make the Festival happen, from putting up posters, setting up marquees, checking-in performers, selling merchandise, patrolling car parks to cleaning up the site.
“Festivals and events are a growing employment opportunity here on the Coast, so this is a great opportunity to get some hands on experience,” says Stephanie Ney, Acting Executive Officer.
Volunteer online at www.saltwaterfreshwaterfestival.com.au/join-in/ or phone the Festival office on 02 6658 5995.

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