The Sound of Music comes to Port

In a rare theatrical opportunity classic musical The Sound of Music is coming to the Port Macquarie Players Theatre from Friday, February 17, until Sunday, March 11.
In Nonnberg Abbey in Austria in 1938, the nuns are going about their daily tasks, but toward evening, it becomes apparent that the postulant Maria is not among them. Maria is out on the mountain, enjoying nature and “the sound of music” in the air, and, although she has the permission of the Mother Abbess, she returns very late indeed. The Mother Abbess and the other nuns are forced to conclude that Maria is not yet ready for the religious life.
The Mother Abbess decides to send Maria out of the Abbey to become temporary governess to the children of Captain von Trapp, a retired officer of the Austrian Navy. The Captain has become a martinet since the death of his wife, and the children are little machines, but Maria teaches them to sing and to enjoy life. The eldest child Liesl is in the throes of first love with Rolf Gruber a village boy, and steals out to meet him. Maria wins her confidence and that of all the other children as she entertains them during a thunderstorm.
The Captain returns from a trip to Vienna with his fiancée, Elsa Schraeder, and a friend, Max Detweller. The Captain is astounded to find the children singing, but reluctantly joins with them, caught by the beauty of the song. Elsa induces him to give a party at which Maria discovers that she is in love with the Captain and in dismay flees to the Abbey, where the Mother Abbess advises her that the love of a man and a woman is holy and that she must reach out to meet life.
Returning to the Trapp Villa, Maria and the Captain recognise their love for one another and two weeks later they are married in the Abbey. When they return from their honeymoon, they find the Nazis have invaded Austria and that even Rolf is among their supporters. Max, meanwhile, has determined to have the children sing at a music festival. The Nazis, however, summon the Captain into their service and Maria gains time for him by agreeing that the whole family will sing. They perform on stage at the concert hall and it is suddenly announced that an escort is waiting to take the Captain to Berlin. Swiftly Maria leads the family, including the Captain into their next song and one by one they disappear, as Max stalls the escort. They hide in the garden of the Abbey as soldiers search for them, and finally make their way to freedom over Maria’s beloved mountain, as the nuns wish them God’s speed.
Tickets are selling fast for this great musical, so book your seats today at The Glasshouse Ticket Office on 02 6581 8888 or one hour prior to the show at the Players Theatre, cnr Gordon and Lord Streets Port Macquarie. See this issue of The Independent for a chance to win two double passes.

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