Tossing the blame

Surely it can’t be true that the state member for Coffs Harbour, Andrew Fraser, is blaming Rob Oakeshott for two road deaths in Urunga. That’s about as low as it gets, but I suppose we should be used to it given the quality of state representatives on both sides of politics. Maybe Andrew needs to look closer to home and call his fellow National Party colleague, Luke Hartsuyker, who actually represents that electorate federally, and ask him why he and previous National Party representatives of the electorate of Cowper did nothing about this so-called dangerous road all the time they were in government. I bet Luke’s response will be: “No, we did nothing, but at least we stopped the boats.”
If I were you Rob, I wouldn’t start to worry until the National Party get desperate enough to start accusing you of being the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

A. Wollaston
Lighthouse Beach

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