What are we celebrating?

Are we celebrating that as a nation we have lost our national way of life? Are we celebrating that we have allowed people from other countries to come here as our guests and take over our country – people that want to change our way of life, our religious beliefs and our way of celebrating? Or are we celebrating the fact that Australia, the once proud country that lived off the sheep’s back with the ability to manufacture nearly anything we needed to be fully sustainable, is now becoming a shell of its former self where we have lost most of our manufacturing industries and our farmers are being forced off of the land by greed from miners and their share holders? Or are we celebrating the fact that we don’t have enough brains or guts to stand up and tell the coal seam gas companies that are mostly overseas-owned to get the hell out of our country and take their equipment and their greed back to where they come from? Or are we celebrating the fact that we are too lazy and apathetic to realise that we are allowing party politics to sell us out?
Once Australia and Australians had something to celebrate. We were a nation of people that worked hard and played hard , we looked after people that could not look after them selves and we backed up our mates. We loved our sports and we were a bit keen on a cold beer after a hard day’s yakka. We loved our fishing and we didn’t mind a bit of camping on some bit of beach or under a big old gum tree somewhere in the bush. As Australians we don’t have anything to celebrate now. We could look forward to being able to buy a nice little house and live on one wage. We took pride in everything Australian. We invited people into our country so they could have the lifestyle that we enjoyed – not to take over and change our laws and traditions and not to have their own schools. We have lost our identity and our way of life, we have become greedy and self- centred and we have become lazy. We have let politians destroy our country and we have said nothing and done nothing to stop them.
So as you sit back on Australia Day from now on celebrating nothing, you can only blame yourself for our loss of national pride. You can only blame yourself for the loss of our identity in the world and the loss of many of our freedoms that were enjoyed by our forefathers .You did nothing to protect your freedom and your way of life and now we are starting to reap what we have sown.
Australia, you have nothing to celebrate and until you wake up and start to fight to re-establish what you have lost or are losing, you will have nothing to celebrate.

Peter Schuback
Hervey Bay

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