Close finishes at Camden Haven Triathlon

The 2012 Camden Haven Triathlon was held at Pilot Beach over the weekend. The weekend saw some great racing and close finishes, with Mitch Robins and Madi Roberts taking out male and female champion respectively.
Robins finished in 1:16:13, with a swim time of 0:08:43, a cycle time of 0:45:13 and run time of 0:22:17. Cameron Pensini was close behind, finishing at second in 1:19:35. He clocked in a swim time of 0:08:54, a cycle time of 0:47:03 and run time of 0:23:38. Rob Johnston was right on his tail, finishing third at 1:20:16, with a swim time of 0:09:51, cycle time of 0:46:04 and run time of 0:24:21.
Madi Robins finished first in females and twenty-third overall with a total time of 1:31:47, completing the swim in 0:10:46, the cycle in 0:54:51 and the run in 0:26:10. Michelle McDonald came in at second and twenty-sixth overall, finishing at 1:32:15, and completing the swim in 0:11:03, the cycle in 0:54:37 and the run in 0:26:35. Belinda Johnson achieved third spot, clocking in at 1:33:48 and finishing thirty-fourth overall. She finished the swim in 0:09:32, the cycle in 0:53:31 and the run in 0:30:45.
In the juniors’ triathlon four races were held. Race 1, saw Amy Cohen finish first in the age 15 category, and Sam Lewis (0:44:09) and Tenielle Stubbs (0:45:48) finished first in male and female age 14 category.
In Race 2 first to finish in the age 13 category was Jack Pilgrim (0:35:44) and Kirsty Schumacher (0:41:47). Baxter Pattison (0:38:41) and Lillian Barry were first in the age 12 category. In the age 11’s Tom Lister (0:40:37) and Portia Rennie (0:39:58) were first across the line.
Race 3 saw Josh Dwyer and Emma Sewell finish first in the age 10 category, while Kye Gill and Miren Davies were first in the aged 9’s. In age 8’s Kobe Pattison and Ruby Barry crossed the finish line first.
Race 4 featured the 6 and 7 years age groups, with Jonah Hamer and Alani Cockshutt coming first in age 7 and Liam Thompson and Milla Seale first across the line in age 6.
The Port Macquarie Triathlon Club would like to extend its thanks to the many tireless workers involved with the event, particularly the local volunteer groups including Camden Haven Marine Rescue, North Haven SLSC, Port Macquarie Army Cadets, Laurieton Rotary and Lions Clubs, the Girl Guides, LUSC Fishing Club and the Camden Haven SES. Without their help this event could never have run as smoothly as it did.

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