Tell it as it is, Abbott

I refer to a recent letter by Tony Abbott (February 9) about the carbon tax, alleging that carbon pricing will damage tourism on the Mid North Coast and our regional economy. Mr Abbott plainly wants to start the new year with a new round of double-speak and mindless negativity.
Contrary to Mr Abbott, the good news from QANTAS is that the carbon tax will add no more than $1.82 for a trip Sydney (or Brisbane) to Port Macquarie and as only five per cent of tourists to Port Macquarie arrive by air, carbon trading will have virtually no effect on travel costs.
Any effects from the introduction of carbon pricing will be minimal and, for most Australians, well compensated.
What Mr Abbott conveniently further omits is that the tax free threshold for income earners will rise from $6000 to $18,200 providing tax cuts for millions of Australians and it is these tax cuts that Mr Abbott promises to repeal if he is elected as Prime Minister in 2013.
Tourism is a major industry and employer in our region and we should rightly expect our political leaders to tell it as it is and not discredit the industry for political gain.

Peter Alley
Country Labor Spokesperson

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