Dynamic duo come to the rescue in “kindness’

Jack Clarke and Callum Barlow have come to the rescue of two of our treasured senior citizens – and they are only in year 3 at school.
The Hastings Public School students put up their hands when Wilma Pilkin and Pat Robinson of Leura Place, Port Macquarie, could no longer physically move their rubbish wheelie bins up and down their driveways.
Wilma, 80, said bin collectors used to pick up their bins from the top of their driveways for seven faithful years.
However she and Pat, 82, were told recently the service was no longer available.
“I contacted Council but there was no help, so we contacted our local member Leslie Williams who put the ball in motion for a positive outcome.”
She said Mrs Williams contacted Grant Heaton, the principal at the Hastings School on Waniora Parkway who put a plan in place to help the ladies out.
Young Jack Clarke and Callum Barlow now take the bins down to the street for the elderly ladies each Thursday and bring them back up to their homes each Friday.
Callum said he loves helping people. He helps his neighbours all the time and this is just as great, he said.
Jack said he likes helping someone elderly who needs a hand too.
“It’s a great display of what living in a community is all about,” Mr Heaton said.
Port Macquarie state MP Leslie Williams said, “This is a fantastic example of younger people in our community helping seniors. I congratulate Jack and Callum for offering to help and these ladies who I know are extremely pleased with this outcome.”
Wilma said the two boys are “absolute gentlemen and feel it was so wonderful to see such a lovely act of kindness from our younger generations.”
Well done boys!

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