Democracy or dictatorship?

Did you know that the little pink fluoride tablets we used to give our children because we weren’t fortunate enough to live in a fluoridated town have been banned because they were damaging our children’s teeth? That’s right, they caused dental fluorosis. These tablets were pharmaceutical grade fluoride.
Did you know that a fertiliser manufacturer is supplying the fluoridating chemicals being added to our water supply; washed off the walls of the chimney stacks of their plant – a byproduct of making superphosphate fertiliser? It is concentrated and stored as a hazardous S7 poison, then sold to our council to be used as “fluoride” – illegal for the manufacturers to dispose of it into our waterways or into the ground. Yet somehow this S7 poison becomes a nutrient to benefit our teeth once it’s added to our water supply.
Over 98 per cent of scientific data warning about Fluoride for human consumption has been ignored. We need to stand up and say NO to fluoridation. Evil rules when good people do nothing or simply leave it to someone else. 99 per cent of fluoridated water will end up in our waterways and the beautiful Hastings River.

Kathryn Brown

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