Bright young actors feature at festival

Brightsquires are a dynamic young theatre group who will be performing at the Glasshouse as part of the Port Macquarie Hastings Council’s PlayRites Festival of Theatre.
Brightsquires will be performing on two nights and will also be leading an improvisation workshop with local students.
The name “Brightsquires’ is derived from a Tom Stoppard text – meaning “eight bastards’.
The company are all recent graduates of the Bachelor of Performance at The Australian Academy of Dramatic Art in Sydney, where for the last two years they have learnt a creative, pragmatic and exciting way of approaching theatre in Australia.
The team consists of Rachel Kim Cross (rehearsal manager), Jacqueline Bennet (production manager/producer), Sean Minahan (set and costume design), Tristan Carey ( assistant director) and three Port Macquarie former locals, Joseph Kernahan (director), Samuel Campbell Wilson and Ava Stangherlin (publicity and promotions).
All the performers are passionate about creating their own theatre and don’t believe in waiting for the perfect role or the perfect show. The group works hard to create the work for themselves.

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