Three cheers for the Lyne King!

How can Don Campbell (Independent March 1) continue to bag Rob Oakeshott and this Government?
Rob has certainly exhibited that he has the interests of the nation at heart – the billions of $$s to regional Australia, well-needed changes to Parliamentary procedures, more billions to health, education, communication, employment, renewable energy, etc, etc. Regional Australia has been ignored for years by the Parties, the Parliament is a rabble controlled by vested interests and “faceless men” – and now, thanks to the Independents, this hung Parliament has achieved more for the GOOD of Australia than any government in memory.
One doesn’t need to be a Rhodes Scholar to realise that the Coalition will do/say anything to try to get into Government – nor do you have to be a genius to see that they are somewhat lacking in policies and believe that Opposition means you say NO to everything the Government proposes, regardless of its merits.
“The majority of people want an election”, Don? Says you, got any data to back up this statement, or did you hear it from Hadley, Jones or Abbott? This whole process IS about good governance – and that’s exactly what we’re getting – for cheap political stunts, just google Tony Abbott.
Onya Rob, more strength to your arm, big fella!

Shane Stelzer

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