Blame cast in wrong direction

Mr Hartzuyker is blaming the wrong man.
He should be blaming Mr Greiner who gave us the Private Base Hospital. We were a safe National seat and 85 per cent did not want it, however he thought you could give a hospital to a private company and not lose millions, which is what happened and we all had to wait four years for elective surgery.
Rob Oakeshott saw how bad the hospital was, but when he looked to get Labor to change it back to a public hospital, Andrew Stoner was going to put him out of the National Party. He sat as an Independent and there was no stopping the man. He got millions in the State Parliament. It has never been a safe Coalition seat since he won on a landslide in the Federal seat when he first sat and in this parliament he won 62 per cent to 38 per cent.
Mr Hartzuyker should tell us why, when John Howard was in for so long, he and the other Federal National Party members could not do as well as Rob Oakeshott and get the highway in their electorate and just tell us how much they managed to get. Mr Stoner had to go and put his name on the highway here, though the Independents got it, so you know he can’t get any money himself.

Peta Hollis

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