Cynicism over ‘deadly poison’ in water supply

Despite the nationwide protests we, the people, have been “shot-gunned’ into accepting a deadly poison inducted into the water we drink and use for growing food and commercial needs that are allied with the manufacture of many consumables.
Why? I am well into the “twilight zone’, my old motor just chugging over, like waiting for my turn in the big barbecue. It was approximately sixty years ago that the aluminium smelters went into action. This industry produces an effluent, or waste material (toxic) called fluorine or fluoride. How did they plan to dispose of it? Big question…
Fluoride occurs naturally in human bones, in exceedingly minute traces. But it has been found to retard the growth of certain fruits and vegetables. Over application can cause tooth enamel to flake and discolour. It is suspected in the USA that bodily organs have been disrupted by the over usage of fluorine substance.
Now, back to the big question. It’s easy, just lobby a few “pointy heads’ and pollies in Canberra. Fluoride stops dental decay etc. Crash tackle the local governments. Like, “Yer just gotta have it, Mr Mayor – y’kin dice the ol’ toothbrush ; no more toothache for little Larry ’n’ Lucy.” Hear about the dentist? He died laughing.
Forgive my cynicism – no, actually, forgive me nothing. Born in 1925 I am allowed to sling a bit of “mullock’.
Another big question is who pays fluoride going into the water supply? The supplier? No way! The Council? No way! Joe Blow the ratepayer? You betcha!
Oh yeah, and what happens if the bloke entrusted to do the dosing has a bad night and has an oops-a-daisy and delivers a full bucket instead of half a bucket?
As a kid of the depression we couldn’t afford lollies, so my mum made toffees and crumble bars for us. However the regime was “clean your teeth after brekkie and before you go to bed or you’ll get a good smack on the back-side!” I reared a family of five (with a wonderful woman) and they all have their own teeth. The youngest is nearly fifty. Make dental hygiene the maxim!

Eric Charles

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