Parking restricts shoppers

I would people to be aware that, since the front page story in the Port News explaining how the one-hour parking would now be strictly enforced, the drop of business in the CBD is even more dramatic. I now have customers passing quickly by, saying they do not have time to stop as they only have an hour to park. I have our seniors customers saying they need an hour just to get to a bank! We are in a very difficult trading period for all in retail. This new edict cost my business nearly $1500 last week.
Government keeps telling us that small business is the engine room of the economy. Small business provides jobs and it supplies sponsorships and prizes for every fund-raiser in the region.
With the advent of shopping centres on every corner, the “strip” shops are under pressure like never before. We do not have purpose-built car parks with three hour parking, we have strictly enforced one hour parking.
Maybe we could re-look at the parking in the CBD and increase it to two hours? Do we still want a CBD? Do we still want retailers in the CBD? What do you think?

Harry Brady

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