Medical help needed

The deafening silence from the medical fraternity with regard to the dumping of Hydrofluorosilicic acid in our water supply leads one to several conclusions: one being that they have less interest in the possible cause of disease and illness in the community than they have in treating the effects; another being that they have no problem with what is stated to be a beneficial medicine, being prescribed independently of their expertise by a bureaucracy who have no medical qualifications or knowledge on which to base their claim as to the universal safety of dispensing this medication.
Their silence appears to demonstrate a lack of individual and/or collective social and moral conscience in this regard. Many would think that, as professionals, they would be outraged by their position as arbiters in matters of personal and public health being usurped.
Can their silence be attributed to fear of NSW Public Health bureaucracy or merely total indifference?
This compulsory medic-ation has been ongoing in Sydney and many other places for decades, without showing any demonstrable improvement in the general health of fluoridated communities as opposed to that of un-fluoridated areas.
The fact that government is now considering funding a universal and expensive dental health scheme seems proof enough that fluoridation does not do what is claimed and there is no verifiable statistical evidence to prove it does.

P Brown

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