Expert’s credentials

Regarding your article called “Wild weather no mystery: expert’, I would like to know what makes Harry Creamer an expert on climate change.
Does he hold any degrees in meteorology or climate science? Besides we all know what an ex-spurt is.
He talks about record breaking droughts and floods. Let me remind him that there have been no records broken. These events have all happened before. As his example with the Queensland floods has shown, the Brisbane River did not reach the levels of the ’70s.
They stopped calling it global warning because the globe has not been warming but cooling in the last ten years.
I believe in saving our planet, but let’s put all these billions of dollars into stopping our oceans from being raped and our rainforests being mowed down and trying to educate our children to be more environmentally friendly instead of concentrating on the lie that burning fossil fuels is the modern day apocalypse.

Matthew Williams

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