Time to reflect

As we are approaching Easter, it is time to reflect on the great sacrifice the Lord has made for us by His death, resurrection and shed blood where He atoned for our sins on the cross. It would be impossible to imagine the awful suffering of crucifixion although there are websites which will go into the forensic details of this form of execution. Many people who attend church services at Easter fail to realise that it is not a mystical service to make us feel pious and then forget about the Lord for the rest of the year. It is for those who have repented (change of mind towards God) and put their trust in Christ.
The teaching of Christ’s victory over death by His shed blood and physical and spiritual resurrection from the grave is central to Christianity. Christian faith is not about our felt needs and health and wealth, but surrendering our lives to Christ. The good news is the gospel preached to humanity to save people from God’s wrath. Most churches will have special services over Easter and Christmas, as this is a good time to witness to the community.
For those who cannot attend a church service, online bible websites of the gospel message of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John can be easily found through a google search. Another informative website is ukapologetics.net: was the resurrection of jesus physical or spiritual – or did it have to be both!!??

Lesley Chapman

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