Holiday chaos

A traffic queue of 20km at Bulahdelah, adding almost two hours to a travelling journey, was just one shocking road section to bottleneck over the Easter long weekend.
In this case the road chaos had already kicked in at 1pm on Thursday, coupled with a 4km queue at the Hexham Bridge.
That same morning a 10km queue northbound at South Kempsey added at least 30 minutes additional travel time.
On Friday northbound matters did not improve.
By 9am on Friday, motorists travelling northbound on the Pacific Highway at South Kempsey were facing lengthy delays following an earlier three vehicle accident.
The accident impacted northbound traffic near Lachlan Street.
Emergency services were onsite recovering the vehicles and cleaning up the incident site.
Traffic was able to pass, however delays were experienced.
Traffic travelling northbound at this location was largely heavy due to unprecedented holiday traffic loads.
As a result, there was a 7km queue on approach to this accident site.
Motorists also felt the brunt of delays on the roads at Hexham, Macksville, Coffs Harbour, Ballina and the Tweed.
Groundhog Day continued on the roads on Monday as people returned southbound on the Pacific Highway.
Motorists travelling on the Highway at Bulahdelah, Hexham and Tweed Heads faced massive delays due to the heavy holiday traffic.
Hotspots included:
nBulahdelah – Southbound – 6.5km queue, adding 35 minutes travel time.
nHexham – Southbound (approaching the Hexham Bridge) 4km queue.
nTweed Heads – Northbound 8km queue, adding 40 minutes travel time.
nWoodburn – Heavy traffic.
Roadway sagas continued on Tuesday with a 4km northbound queue at Kemspey before midday and a similar southbound delay at Hexam.

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