Parkinson’s push educates community

The Westport Club in Port Macquarie commemorated World Parkinson’s Day last Wednesday, April 11, by making a donation to the Port Macquarie Library of books and media intended to help inform the community about Parkinson’s Disease.
Anthony Westman from The Westport Club presented the donation to Chief Librarian Jim McGuire in a short ceremony at the library.
Federal Member for Lyne, Rob Oakeshott attended the presentation and spoke of the need for increased support for research and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.
Terry Sara, representing State Member Leslie Williams, supported the need for increased community awareness of the condition.
Port Macquarie Parkinson’s Support Group president Stuart Snowden stressed the importance of procuring a community based Specialist Parkinson’s Neurological Nurse Educator for this region.
At present there is a serious lack of knowledge of Parkinson’s Disease in the broader community and especially in the aged care sector.
There have been recent instances of people with Parkinson’s being adversely impacted by this lack of knowledge in care facilities.
Greater awareness and specialised training can help to prevent such events.
About 300 people in the greater Port Macquarie area are living with Parkinson’s Disease, and this number will grow with continued ageing of our community. Parkinson’s is a movement disorder with symptoms typically including slowness of movement, muscle rigidity, instability and tremor that become more severe over time.
What triggers the disease is still unknown, but we understand that the neurones in a particular area of the brain known as the substantia nigra are damaged or lost.
This results in a reduction in Dopamine, a powerful brain chemical that assists in coordinating movement.
There is no known cure for Parkinson’s disease.
There are some effective treatment and therapy options that can help manage symptoms, so people with Parkinson’s disease can continue to enjoy many years of independent and productive lives.
The condition does, however, place an enormous load on affected individuals, their carers and the whole community.
Port Macquarie Parkinson’s Support Group is very active in providing information and friendly support for people in this region affected by Parkinson’s Disease.
The group meets monthly and welcome anyone with an interest in this condition. The support group website, has details of our contacts and meeting schedule.

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