Mental health debacle stirs political row

Independent Lyne MP Rob Oakeshott has slammed the NSW Government’s decision to close two community-based mental health services in Port Macquarie, Ellimatta House and Karawa Cottage, saying the closure had shocked the local community and increased the urgent need for a Mental Health Services Plan for the Hastings,
However, according to Port Macquarie MP Leslie Williams, mental health services in the Hastings are set to be improved. Mrs Williams said $50,000 has been provided by the NSW Government to undertake a Clinical Services Plan for Mental Health in the Hastings/Macleay area to ensure alignment between clinical services provided and the needs of local communities. But it’s not enough, Mr Oakleshott said.
“Some of the most vulnerable people in our community are now forced to rely on already-stretched services at Port Macquarie Base Hospital because, we are told, access to a Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI) and a 30-bed Psychiatric Inpatient Unit at Coffs Harbour Base Hospital mean Ellimatta in Port Macquarie is no longer needed,” he said.
“Yesterday, the Federal Minister for Mental Health and Ageing announced $58 million in funding for the HASI program, which was developed in response to evidence that many people reside as inpatients in psychiatric hospitals because there is nowhere in the community that provides appropriate support. Both Ellimatta and Karawa Cottage were providing community-based support services.
“Now, Port Macquarie residents are being told to use a Coffs Harbour service.”
Meanwhile Mrs Williams advocated that both Karawa Cottage and Ellimatta House have not been closed and are simply part of a review to put in place appropriate and effective mental health services to meet the needs of our community for today and the future.
“At Ellimatta House there has been a gradual decrease in demand for the service and there are currently no residents using the lodge due to the introduction of new models of care in their own accommodation,” she said.
“Karawa Cottage continues to provide daytime programs, however they are not being run as often as previously due to alternate programs and services being provided to also support people to remain in their own homes with social programs.
“Clients from both facilities are also accessing Housing and Accommodation Support Initiatives (HASI).
“HASI is designed to assist people with mental health problems and disorders requiring accommodation support to participate in the community, maintain successful tenancies, and improve their quality of life and most importantly to assist in their recovery from mental illness.
“Last week I met with North Coast Area Health District CEO, Stewart Dowrick and I also met with local mental health consumers to discuss these issues. Let me reiterate that both facilities remain operational.
“The Local Health District is developing a clinical services plan to determine the number of beds and community mental health services required in Port Macquarie and Kempsey. The Plan will be finalised in the latter part of 2012,” Mrs Williams said.
“Along with making successful representations to fund the Clinical Services Plan, I am working closely with the Minister for Mental Health, Kevin Humphries, to ensure that we get the best possible local mental health services.
“Whilst the expansion of mental health facilities is not part of the current $110 million upgrade of the Base Hospital, it remains a high priority.”

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