Ed strike a waste of time, resources: MP

The Member for Port Macquarie, Leslie Williams, has condemned strike action by the Teachers Federation on Friday, May 18.
The strike was called over union opposition to the Local Schools, Local Decisions education reforms.
“We are not going to be held to ransom by the Teachers Federation. These reforms are to suit students, not the union,” Mrs Williams said.
“The Department of Education has promised to work collaboratively with the Teachers Federation and the Minister for Education has previously made assurances that decisions about employment matters will only be made following consultation with the relevant union.
“The Teachers Federation is actually represented on the Local Schools, Local Decisions Joint Consultative Committee and the union also has the opportunity to discuss industrial matters relating to local schools, local decisions at regular fortnightly meetings with the relevant Deputy Director General.”
Strike action disrupted the school day for hundreds of thousands of students and their parents, Mrs Williams said.
“It also affected NAPLAN catch-up arrangements for students who were unable to sit the tests on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for illness or other reasons.
“It’s unbelievable they would hold stop work meetings on a school day and during NAPLAN testing. Why not hold them after school rather than disrupting the lives of students and parents?
“Students want to learn and teachers want to teach, so it’s unfortunate that the Teachers Federation proceeded with this unnecessary strike.
“The Department sought the assistance of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission in an effort to avoid any disruption to students or their families,” Mrs Williams said.

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