Rose coloured glasses

I’m sorry Mr Cocks (May 17), but I feel you are living the past “with rose coloured glasses”.
What you are suggesting is not only “restraint of trade” but unethical. Firstly there are a lot of people who work shift hours and, in your view, aren’t entitld to a drink and relaxation between the hours of 2pm and 6pm or after 11pm. Gee, really tough if you “knock-off” at 10.30pm. But I feel your main whinge is about “Alcoholism, drunken brawls and DUI driving”, do you seriously believe that we can cure Alcoholism or any of the crimes I’ve mentioned, by sales restrictions.
Sorry, I think, alcoholism is just like any other sickness, mental or physical, it must be deal with in the appropriate way. And sorry, once more to disagree with you, but even when the “drinking establishment or alcohol sales”, were supposed to be closed, well you must have been blind or very naive to suggest that trade wasn’t going on. Even when you were supposed to have only “Bona-fide” drinking on Sunday afternoon, here in Australia – you could still partake of beverages.
Finally if you think there weren’t any brawls or DUIs, it’s probably that DUI wasn’t even enforced then, and as for the fights – well – gee I’m pretty sure all fights aren’t alcohol related, and if they were, they are NOT, going to stop happening, if we stop sales for a couple of hours a day. I mean Really!
Baz Annetts
Port Macquarie

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