Autumn Brunch a fundraising success

“One of the biggest donations we’ve received” is how Can Assist Mid-North Coast treasurer, Cath Jacobs, described the presentation of the cheque from Coastside Church last Sunday.
The donation, for $2020, was the proceeds of the Autumn Brunch held at Coastside Church’s Mumford Street venue just before Mother’s Day.
The Autumn Brunch for Can Assist will now become an annual event, according to Coastside Church’s Community Pastor, Faye Moses. “We have been thrilled to bless Can Assist in this way, and have learnt a lot from our first Autumn Brunch. Be assured we will be back bigger and better next year!”
“Although Can Assist has been operating across NSW for many years, the Mid-North Coast branch is only two years old, so this amount will make a huge difference to our operations,” said Cath Jacobs as she thanked Coastside Church for its initiative and effort.
Guests were treated to brunch as well as an auction and market stalls. “Local businesses have been brilliant in their support.” said Faye.
“We had no outgoing expenses at all. Everything was donated, from food for the brunch to large auction items like mobile phones, laser printers and resort accommodation. We had twenty-seven items for auction, so that everyone had a chance to bid, whether it was for a small gift pack, jewellery, beauty treatments or original artwork. Many sponsors were very happy to support Can Assist, as the money raised will be used locally.”
Can Assist provide practical assistance and care to cancer patients and their families through support such as meals, cleaning, transport, childcare and accommodation. Money raised is used to support local cancer patients and their families. For further information, head to the Can Assist website at:

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