Why is Australia not celebrating the Jubilee?

As people throughout Australia watch the magnificent events taking place in the United Kingdom and see the millions gathering to honour The Queen, they are beginning to wonder why so very little is being done in Australia.
The League has been lobbying Federal and State Governments since 2010, pointing out that this will be the greatest event of its time and pointing out that celebrating this Jubilee has nothing to do with a republic and everything to do with honouring sixty years of service by the person who has been Queen of Australia for most, if not all, of their lives.
Federally, all that we see is the Commonwealth initiative of a beacon and a couple of other activities. In States, like New South Wales, the Premier has written to Clubs Australia, but there seems to be no coordination, no listing of activities that are actually being held and no way for the people themselves to be involved in celebrating this momentous occasion.
Why could there not be a Crown on the Bridge, as we have submitted? If the Customs House could be illuminated in lights, then surely the Bridge could have a Crown. Why are there no concerts, receptions, barbeques or other gatherings organised by the State Government so that the people could be involved in honouring their Queen? Why are there no banners marking this occasion in the streets?
It seems that there is not even a reception at parliament house for representatives of community organisations! If this were an event for a media celebrity and not for The Queen, it is most probable that our governments would organise massive celebrations.
It is time that our politicians realised that, as long as Australia is a constitutional monarchy, they have a duty to honour The Queen, particularly at a time such as this; instead of standing idly by when the world is paying tribute to a lady who has totally dedicated her long life to the service of her people.
Shame on our governments.

Philip Benwell
Australian Monarchist League

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