First business women’s networking lunch draws crowds

Around 90 local women in business came together for the Hastings Business Women’s Network’s (HBWN) first lunchtime event at Rydges on Thursday, May 31, to discuss the future of business, industry and education in the Hastings.
HBWN President, Kelly Lamb, said this was the highest number of attendees since the group relaunched earlier this year and proved that the re-jigged events calendar was being well received.
“We understand that our traditional breakfasts can be tricky for women who are juggling business and family demands, so this year we’ve introduced a re-jigged events calendar which also includes lunchtime and evening events,” Mrs Lamb said.
“It was great to see a mix of familiar faces and new members who have been able to join us for the first time, proving that the new event options are enabling more local business women to attend.”
The lunch featured special guest speaker Dr Muyesser Durur, Director of Charles Sturt University’s Port Macquarie Campus, who shared her inspiration journey from humble beginnings in rural Turkey, to an internationally recognised academic and highly-skilled business professional.
Dr Durur shared with the group her vision for the future of education in the Hastings, and outlined how the local business community can become involved and share in the success.
“2012 being our foundation year, we have 43 internal students studying Social Work, Accounting, Creative Industries and Health and Rehabilitative Science. Moving forward we are in the planning phase for 2013 and beyond — this includes offering a diverse range of courses and commencement of the building phase of a larger campus facility that will accommodate up to 5000 students. It is an exciting opportunity for this region and the community to reap the economic and social benefits in years to come,” Dr Durur said.
Dr Durur, who singles out education as the key factor that opened up countless doors and opportunities throughout her life, also reflected on the key traits that define and lead to success.
“Self-awareness, openness, vision and focus are the winning combination. To borrow from leading management consultant, Peter Drucker, ‘Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves — their strengths, their values, and how they best perform’.”

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