Quality healthcare in our region recognised

Innovation and excellence in health care delivery in the Port Macquarie-Hastings has been recognised at the Mid-North Coast Local Health District’s (MNCLHD) annual Quality Awards.
Ten projects in total, from health facilities across the Mid-North Coast, received awards in a number of categories including Improving Primary Health Care in the Community, Empowering Patients and Building the Health Workforce.
MNCLHD Chief Executive, Stewart Dowrick, congratulated the award winners and said that the awards are held in recognition of the innovative programs that staff across the Mid-North Coast evelop and deliver on a daily basis.
“By participating in the process of designing, providing and evaluating new programs and services, staff can have a truly significant impact on improvements to patient health, workplace efficiency and patient satisfaction,” said Mr Dowrick.
“A number of entries from the MNCLHD will now be nominated for the State awards to be held later in the year.”
Awards presented in the individual categories were:
Category 1: Keeping People Healthy to Avoid Unnecessary Hospitalisation
Winner: Ngarrwa Antenatal Care Program (Bowraville)
Category 2: Improving Access to Timely Quality Health Care
Winner: Working Smarter Not Harder (Hastings-Macleay Aged Care Assessment Team)
Category 3: Empowering Patients
Winner: To Scoot or Not to Scoot (Dorrigo Multi Purpose Service)
Category 4: Improving Primary Health Care in the Community
Winner: Miimi-biin and Buwaar-biin Service — Closing the Gap (Coffs Harbour)
Category 5: Collaboration — Working as a Team
Winner: “Tobacco Free” Comorbid Youth Residential Program (Port Macquarie CH)
Category 6: Building the Health Workforce
Winner: Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk (MNCLHD Mental Health Services)
Category 7: Award for Achievement for Reducing Hospital Acquired Infections
Winner: Access that Central Venous Access Device — CVAD (PMBH)
Category 8: Clinical Excellence Commission Award for Improvements in Patient Safety
Winner: Influencing Culture: Attitudes to Falls Prevention (Coffs Harbour)
Category 9: Award for Excellence in Education and Training
Winner: Health e Tube Project (MNCLHD)
Category 10: Chairman’s Award
Winner: Evaluating Telehealth in Opiod Treatment (MNCLHD Drug and Alcohol Team)

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